Art Education


艺术教育专业的学生选修的主要课程是 艺术与艺术史系 并可以通过完成一项专业教育(K-12年级)的艺术认证 Education minor 由专业教育(K-12年级)认证所需的课程组成.  The major fosters creativity of future educators in order that they may in turn nurture creativity and the awareness of art in their students. This program culminates with the exhibition of a body of work at the Senior Show in the Olin Fine Art Gallery each spring.



除了在当地学校的学生教学, 艺术教育专业的学生有很多机会丰富自己的课堂学习, 包括在巴黎和柏林等欧洲艺术之都的海外课程, 每年由部门领导去纽约旅行, 以及为他们设计的旅行和实习机会,以加强他们对艺术的学习.

Undergraduate coursework in this program also prepares students for graduate studies in fields such as studio art, art therapy, 艺术保护和博物馆研究.